Prices will vary based on day of purchase.

  Early Bird 
 Main Ticket
 On site
Medical Doctors 
(All Specialities) 
550€ 700€ 780€
Scientists 550€ 700€ 780€
Medical Trainees 450€ 550€ 630€
300€ 400€ 480€
Students* 230€ 350€ 420€
Industry Representatives** 550€ 700€ 780€

Registration fee includes:

Personal Badge || Congress kit || Access to all conference halls & sessions || Access to e-poster Exhibition || Access to Sponsors Exhibition || Online Abstract Book – orals / e-posters || Access to Live platform – live and on demand videos / photos / other Interactive tools || C.M.E Accreditation || Certificate of Attendance || Coffee Breaks – every day during breaks || Light Lunch – every day during Lunch break || Welcome Reception || Farewell Ceremony

For Company registrations (issuing invoice) please send us your e-mail at [email protected]

*Students: Includes only undergraduate and graduate students who do not practice a medical/ healthcare profession. You will be asked to show your student ID at the registration desk.

**Industry representatives: Referes to those who are not sponsors and have corporate or educational reason to attend the congress

***A prerequisite for submitting an abstract is the completion of the registration by at least one of the participants in the assignment. Register to the Congress by selecting one of the options from the “ABSTRACTS” category.

You can proceed to subscription by filling in the online registration form.

Participation fees are not refunded.

Registrations are made through the Official PCO of the Congress, Inventics S.A.

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