New Medical Genetics: Present and future expectations
LECTURE Moderator: G. Papadopoulos New Medical Genetics: Present and future expectationsE. Frysira
From Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to Therapeutic Drug Management
SYMPOSIUMModerators: V. Kusec, P. Twomey Pharmacodynamic biomarkers in TDM: A still emerging tool M. Shipkova TDM in Neuropsychopharmacology C. Hiemke When therapy fails: Adherence testing for lipid lowering and anti-hypertensive drugs E. Wieland
Voltage – Gated: Potassium Channels as Regulatorsof T-Cells Activation Threshold: Implication forImmune Dysregulation
LECTURE Moderator: : I. Markakis Voltage – Gated: Potassium Channels as Regulators of T-Cells Activation Threshold: Implication for Immune DysregulationK. Poulopoulou
The role of laboratory diagnosis in sepsis
SYMPOSIUMModerators: D. Theodoridis, D. Zafeiropoulou Clinical appearance in sepsisC. Anastogiannis Hematology lab in the diagnosis of sepsis D. Adamou Novel biomarkers in sepsis: The role of clinical biochemistry sepsis and immunity: the role of the immunological laboratory M. Giannoula Sepsis and immunity: The role of the immunological laboratory M. Demetriou
Laboratory management and regulatory affairs
SYMPOSIUMModerators: M. Orth, Ch. Becker When and how will Artificial Intelligence (AI) be implemented in laboratory services? J. Adler Indirect methods for verification of reference intervals A. Bertam Do the IVD-regulations prevent innovations? M. Vogeser
Transplantation immunology – An overview
SYMPOSIUM Moderators: K. Tarassi, A. Fylaktou Matching, mismatching in the view of solid organ transplantation I. Doxiadis The role of Immunology and Histocompatibility Laboratory in clinical transplantation K. Tarassi Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT): The role of Unrelated Donor Registries J. Mytilineos
The role of transfusion medicine laboratory in selected patient populations
SYMPOSIUMModerators: P. Ntouramani, M. Plota Hemostasis and transfusion in management of patients with end liver disease D. Moschandreou Hemostasis and transfusion in management of pediatric patients M. Pape Hemostasis and transfusion in management in patients with end renal disease M. Plota